Sunday, February 3, 2013

Despatches 2013: Hope for the year?

I was delighted to see that the Gleaner's Youthlink of Jan. 29 - Feb. 4 (newspaper supplement for young people) carried a review for the Coop Clan, the book I mentioned in my last post by Kerine Miller. This is very important; might I even say significant? The review of a book! A new book for young people in a newspaper for young people!  I can't use enough exclamation marks. I praise the editors of this newspaper. Hopefully we'll see more about YA books in the newspapers targetting the YA group.

Then I heard that a primary school bought a number of copies of local children's books to start a literature programme. This is also to be lauded, and I hope that other schools will follow this example. Perhaps there are those who have already done this and I don't know about it. If so, please let me know so that I can, if you wish, celebrate you.  So perhaps there is hope for children's books for  2013. What a something that would be!

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