To add to the resurgence of publishing for children, yesterday saw the launch of two board books by young Jamaican children's writer and publisher, Kellie Magnus, author of the very successful Little Lion series, whose children's books publishing house is Jack Mandora. The books are A Book for Baby, written by Kellie Magnus and illustrated by Rachel Wade Moss, and Trixie Triangle, written and illustrated by Michael Robinson. These books have been published by Jack Mandora/Media Magic. They have been selected by the BookStart Committee which aims to provide material for young children/early childhood. It was a delightful afternoon at Bookla
nd, one of our leading bookstores, with many mothers, fathers and children in attendance, as well as the rest of us. Much praise for Kellie for breaking ground with these two books. Best wishes for her continued success in publishing children's books.

Photo shows from right: Elizabeth Ramesar, Vice Chair, Book Industry Association of Jamaica, Kellie Magnus, me, Claudette Carter and Valerie Francis of the National Library.
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