I have sent out
notices to all the people in my address book, which you guys know I hate,
because it seems so pushy, so I’m glad that’s over. I have to develop a better
marketing strategy. For one, very few people on my list will buy the book as an
e-book. We are not into e-books yet for children. For two, it’s not a targeted group. Many of
the people on my list may not even be interested in children’s books.
So come with me as we step awhile into the creation of
Ebony as a Caribbean Cinderella.
Differences and similarities are interwoven; they go in and
out like maypole dancers (which are both European and part of our Jamaican
heritage, as you may remember).
First, Ebony is
in the Caribbean, and is an orphan in a children’s home, not related to the stepmother
figure/villain figure as in the original fairy tale. However, the evil villain
character, Mrs. Redeyeness, still
has two mean daughters.
The fairy godmother has been replaced by the Auntie of the Starlight, and her
transforming of Ebony from the kitchen to the parade, mirrors Cinderella, even as
it creates humour at what is different. Ebony it seems, remembers the Cinderella
story, and wonders if the steps to her
transformation will be the same. ( I love to do this by way of showing that the
old folktales can make links with our stories today. I did it in Cordelia Finds
Fame and Fortune, but just a mention.) So back to Ebony.
“Oh, Auntie of the Starlight, thank you, thank you!” she cried. “But are
you sure I can walk in glass slippers?”
“They aren’t glass, chile. Everybody knows glass would break,” said the
Auntie of the Starlight. “I don’t know where you get that idea of glass
slippers. Pure foolishness! They are plastic.”
“Oh,” said Ebony, “I thought I heard it in a story. So should I have a
coach made from a pumpkin? Or maybe not. . .”
“A coach! No! What would you do with a coach? If you wished for a car. .
. but you didn’t,” said the Auntie of
the Starlight. “So run, chile! Run and catch the parade before it pass.”

Symbolism and Character in the Story:
Ebony is an
orphan in a children’s home. This beginning has never been auspicious for
anyone anywhere. Ebony rightly concludes she has no future. This is what she
has to overcome in the story, if she
can. I clearly describe Ebony’s
physical appearance and hair (that which
we do not wish to mention) as
celebration of the African part of us.
Mrs. Redeyeness: the fact that
she is not related to Ebony by marriage makes her behaviour all the more dreadful. The term ‘red eye’ refers to someone who is envious, grudgeful, jealous
and has pure 'bad mind'. She so
dislikes the fact that Ebony has grown
into a lovely woman and that she is genuinely a sweet person, that she goes out
of her way to be unkind to her, by inviting her into her home to become a
drudge. See how Mrs. Redeyeness rejoices as Ebony’s beauty seems to fade under all the hard work
she has to do:
“Ebony will just look like a poor
bedraggled butterfly.” Every time she thought of it, she laughed, “Ha ha! Ha
ha! A bedraggled butterfly! Ha ha! Ha ha! A bedraggled butterfly!”
Auntie of the Starlight:
we first see her in the Christmas story I wrote light years ago, which I
usually put on my blog ever Christmas. I developed her in place of the
traditional fairy godmother. Auntie is a term of respect here, and I love
starlights, such excitement when I was a child. Such magic. Perhaps she is also partly the wise
old woman who features in our stories, mine included, the mother-female/the
The song sung by
the Auntie of the Starlight, celebrates our trees, links to the fact that
Ebony’s name is that of a tree, and so perhaps that allows for extra magic; who
knows? for additional help for this daughter of the island, daughter being a
respectful term for a young woman. Perhaps I got the term from Rastafarian
speech. I don’t know. Things seep into the psyche and reappear in stories.
The spices
celebrate our spices, that I think we could really develop and access
niche markets.
Alfred ‘the prince’
is noble and handsome and good, and sees who Ebony really is. He will respect
her, we know. That is very important. His character rather than his position,
indicates why Ebony could love him.
Plot: Aha! By the
time I’d got to the part where Alfred
has done his ‘some day my prince will come’, asking for Ebony’s hand in
marriage, and then Mrs. Redeyeness and daughters cling to Ebony, declaring their love and need
for her, and Ebony is wondering if they really love her after all, and maybe she shouldn't leave them, I was pretty
fed up with the ‘too-good’ Ebony. She
redeemed herself in my eyes, however, by
working at the spice factory, gaining shares in the spice factory as part of
her wedding settlement, along with the ring. Mercenary? Not at all. Modern
little girls need to know that a certain amount of security is important,
especially when they work for it. In addition, she brought other girls from the
orphanage to work there and was training others to do so. Female empowerment,
sisterhood, and yes, girls from children’s homes can have a future if they can
work for it - independence.
After that Ebony deserves the wonderful wedding with dancing
to reggae and soca. ( a nod to the ‘Caribbeanness’ of us all) and in
describing the dancing, I chose words
which to me give exactly that feeling, that movement of the feet and body. . . . sway, sway, sway, shuffle, shuffle,
shuffle yo, yo yo . . . I hope that they
There is no ‘happily ever after’ statement (which has fooled up all us females,
all our lives) except that which Ebony can make with her life. “And Ebony
realized that she had a bright future after all, and she smiled to think how
happy she was.”
Many of the old-time fairy tales/folktales were morality tales
of a sort, warning tales, even if today they have been so sanitized and
changed that we have forgotten whatever
that was about. Does Ebony and the Auntie of the Starlight have any of these elements? Yes, although I did not
set out for it to be so. I think that 1) the message (especially for ‘sweet
people’) is do not let people take advantage of you, under the guise of love
and affection, and 2) stand on your own two feet even when you think your
prince has come.
The main purpose of
the story is enjoyment, the creation of our own Cinderella facing one of our
possible realities. Children know the
original Cinderella story and so I hope they will also enjoy these differences,
and claim this as their own. One does not expect them to understand the
symbolism, but for our present-day girls, I hope the modern twist resonates with
them as they are growing up.
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